Head of Customer Operations.
Candidates Identified
Female & Ethnic Minority Candidates
Candidates Evaluated
Day Candidate Mapping
Week Shortlist Delivery
Candidates Shortlisted
In-Person Client Interviews
Successful Candidate Offer
Week Total Service Delivery
Ensuring a diverse candidate shortlist was of paramount importance to the client, with a strong emphasis on including female representation to promote gender diversity and foster an inclusive environment. The role itself was niche, and the client specifically sought candidates from outside the energy sector. This requirement meant that potential candidates needed to be at ease with the prospect of transitioning between industries and embracing new challenges.
We were selected to deliver a Head of Customer Operations placement for Eon's Customer Contact Centre excellence strategy. As well as seeking someone outside of the energy sector the client also required experience in overseas operations, contact/call centres and a track record of improving process, customer service and NPS was critical.
Our Solutions
The Search
A committed research team was assigned to the role, leveraging our extensive network throughout the UK. A strategic executive search approach was employed to connect with the appropriate talent pool on a global scale, utilizing our precise talent mapping analysis and evaluation.
Ongoing Support
Weekly update calls were scheduled to provide live market insights and search progression. We also provided support for the client's internal Women in Leadership Development Program including complimentary webinars, key note speeches and digital resources, with excellent feedback.
Overcoming Difficulties
We initially gained momentum in the search with an excellent candidate engagement rate (73%). However, the clients customer Trust Pilot scoring was quite poor which initially caused some resistance from candidates. We overcame this by outlining a clear transformation strategy and appealed to true customer excellence alignment with prospective candidates. Because of this, we delivered a high quality diverse shortlist, within 19 Days and a superb female fintech candidate was offered within 4 weeks.
Eon Next