10 Employee Skills Businesses Will Need For Future Success

May 17, 2022

As millennials move into leadership roles and Gen Z joins the workforce, they are bringing with them a new mindset. As technology advances and remote and diverse workforces increase, the required skillset of employees will change. To help you stay ahead of the game we've put together a list of 10 employee skills and attributes businesses will need to be successful:

Problem-Solving Mentality

A problem-solving mentality is a must for the future. Especially with increasingly fast paced working environments. Employees will need to think critically and analytically about problems as well as make decisions quickly. This skill will be in high demand for employers and vital for employees who want to succeed in their careers.

Technologically Able

As technology continues to evolve and changes the workplace, it’s important for employees to have a solid grasp of the digital world. We live in a digital age, which means that being able to use technology is not just convenient; it’s necessary for success as a professional. An understanding of how new technologies can improve productivity levels is critical for future-proofing businesses.

Initiative and Drive to Succeed

Initiative and drive are two traits that employers will look for in the coming years. Employers will need people who are willing to take on new challenges, adapt quickly, and work well with others. As companies begin looking for ways to attract talented individuals who want more fulfilling careers, they'll be seeking out employees with real drive and initiative. Furthermore, as millennials and Gen Z favour businesses that value social responsibility, a shared investment in the company’s success will be key.

Collaborative and Diverse

It’s no secret that the future workplace will require individuals to collaborate with colleagues around the world in order to solve complex problems. To be successful, employees will need to be able to work on diverse teams and understand how to navigate this environment successfully. Diversity will also be a key driver of innovation. So, companies looking for creative solutions will want their employees to understand how diversity enables problem solving, decision making and positively impacts leadership styles.

Continually Learning

The workplace is changing rapidly and the ability to adapt and learn new skills is key to success. Companies are finding that investing in training their employees pays off in increased productivity, higher employee retention rates and reduced turnover costs. The ability for an employee to continue learning throughout their career will be more important than ever as automation and AI continue their current trajectory toward widespread adoption.

Great Communication

It's a fact that great communication is a vital skill for all employees. It helps them build relationships with customers, colleagues and supervisors; leads to better decision-making and improved productivity. Future employees will need to be able to communicate effectively across various mediums including emails, instant messaging, video calls, phone calls and face-to-face interactions. In a working world that is becoming increasingly remote, good communication will be key to building strong, positive relationships.

Autonomous and Self-Directed

In the future, employees will need to be able to work autonomously. With more and more companies enabling employees to work remotely, it's imperative that employees have a strong sense of self-management. They'll need to figure out how much time they're able to devote to their job, as well as determine which tasks are important enough for them to focus on first. In addition, since there won't be a manager looking over their shoulder all day, they'll need to be dedicated to their role and able to recognise when to ask for help.


The ability to lead is a critical skill for any future employee. Leadership skills will be needed in all areas of business, from management to customer service. Leadership skills help people manage change effectively, build positive relationships with others, solve problems creatively, and delegate tasks efficiently to increase productivity. As the world becomes more interconnected and complex, good leadership skills will be in high demand.

High Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotional states, as well as understand and effectively interact with other people's emotions. It's been shown that emotional intelligence leads to better interpersonal skills, which in turn can improve communication in the workplace. This can be especially helpful for remote workers who don't have the opportunity to physically interact with their co-workers on a regular basis.

Creativity and Out-of-the-Box Thinking.

The ability to think creatively is absolutely vital to business success, and that’s a skill people are going to need more of in the future. As technology advances, it is able to replace a lot of our manual labour and even some cognitive tasks—but creativity is fundamentally human. It’s not something that can be replaced by machines or software, which means it will always be in demand no matter what happens with automation and AI.

About Harper Fox Partners:

Harper Fox Search Partners are a purpose led business, providing leadership talent and executive search solutions for the global energy, engineering, manufacturing, transport and utilities sectors. Get in touch today to find out how we can add outstanding value to your business.

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